Thursday, 5 May 2011

Star Wars Day Nails - May the 4th Be With You

Today I received a bunch of packages I've been waiting for from overseas, including lower-lash eyelashes, a set of nail art pens and my first pair of EOS lenses!

As today is May 4th, I've used my new pens to do a Star Wars inspired nail set featuring Boba Fett, a stormtrooper and R2D2 :)

I bought these nail pens really cheap (about £8) on ebay from an international seller and they're really good for getting to grips with nail designs.
The lower lashes seen above are also from ebay, but im not completely convinced that these are good quality ones, so I'll have to test them out later.

I'll be trying out and reviewing my first EOS lenses tomorrow, with links and more info about lenses....


  1. these nails are brilliant!! I love the Fett haha!


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